BetaFPV A02 25-800mW 5.8G VTX
Viewed by : 1,177 A02 5.8G VTX is a lightweight, small size and high-quality 25-800mW VTX, it offers a selectable 25/200/500/800mW output
BetaFPV A03 400mW 5.8G VTX
Viewed by : 689 A03 400mW 5.8G VTX, a video transmitter with OpenVTx firmware, supports both the SmartAudio and Tramp protocols. It
Readytosky Lollipop version 3 5.8G 2.3dBi RHCP UFL Antenna
Viewed by : 792 Brand:Readytosky Center Frequency:5.8Ghz Polarization: RHCP Axial radio: <1 Radiation efficiency:98% Gain:2.5dbi Connector: UFL Weight: 2.9g /UFL
Straight MMCX TO SMA Female ((inner hole) Connector Cable
Viewed by : 782 Specifications: includes – 1 pcs Frequency Range: 5.8GHz Impedance: 50Ω VSWR: <2:1 Gain: 2.15dBI Max Power:
Angle MMCX TO SMA Female (inner hole) Connector Cable
Viewed by : 845 Specifications: includes – 1 pcs Frequency Range: 5.8GHz Impedance: 50Ω VSWR: <2:1 Gain: 2.15dBI Max Power: